Supplemental GMU Research to Support the PPBE Commission



John G. (Jerry) McGinn
Executive Director
Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting
Costello College of Business
George Mason University


John H. Davis
Lloyd E. Everhart
Jeffrey S. Kojac
Olivia Letts

This research supplements the Final Technical Report, “Case Studies of Technology Transition,” submitted on December 22, 2023. It addresses two related questions:

  • “Can new authorities granted to combatant command be part of the solution for the development and delivery of needed warfighting capabilities?”
  • “Are alternative Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) approaches such as those employed in U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) viable models for other combatant commands?”

The questions are addressed through a review of the statutes, regulations, and directives concerning combatant command authorities in relation to the requirements, budget, and acquisition processes. The study examines combatant commands with unique authorities and explains their basis. Then the study looks at recent government and congressionally mandated commission reports as well as current legislation in relation to the suitability of new combatant command programming, budget, and acquisition authorities. The study concludes with assessments and a recommendation.


The study team recommends no immediate changes to the current combatant commander PPBE or acquisition authorities. The unique programming, budgeting, and acquisition authorities of USSOCOM and USCYBERCOM are not known to be viable models for other combatant commands. By statute and practice, combatant commands are responsible for combat, deterrence, and humanitarian operations. Adding programming, budgeting, and acquisition duties to a combatant command when those responsibilities already belong to the military services could potentially lead to unintended consequences, such as distracting and confusing the commands, the services, and industry. At present, to address the input of the combatant commands into the PPBE process within the context of rapidly changing technological and national security needs, DoD should focus on addressing relevant aspects of the requirements process through JCIDS.

Read the Full Report.